Prepping for School

Summer is flying by! Can you believe that we are just weeks away from children going back to school? For many this may feel like a quick transition. For others this may feel very overdue. Regardless of where one lies, in a few short weeks kids all over will be standing at the bus stop waiting to go back to school. While this is exciting to begin a new school year, this can also be very challenging to transition back into a new routine and schedule. Let's look at some ways to prepare kids for the upcoming translation from summer break to school days.

One very important thing to prepare for the school year is creating a sleeping schedule and bedtime routine. Summer break often means limited rules and slim to no bedtimes. While this is fun for the season, this can make it extremely challenging for children when they have to wake up and be ready/adjusted to learn. Slowly implementing a bedtime routine can assist with preparing for this. From set times to go to bed to more normal pajama and teeth brushing routines, this can assist your children greatly as they head back to school.

Another step one can take to prepare kids for school is taking them school shopping. From classroom supplies to new school shoes, this can assist kids with getting excited for the upcoming school year compared to dwelling on what is to come. This can also be turned into a fun bonding experience that your children look forward to doing every year. The more involved they are in this process, the better prepared they can feel.

Lastly, have open conversations with children about going back to school. Transitioning back can be exciting but can also be anxiety inducing. Maybe there is fear of the new teacher, children in the classes, or entering a new building. The more open and honest conversations that take place the more comforted and prepared your children will feel for the unknowns to come.

Written by: Jordan Allen


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