Preparing for Summer

The end of the school year is approaching. This is a very exciting time for many! No school, sunshine, swimming, summer camps, and vacations are often filled with joy and anticipation. While this is an exciting time for many, there is no question that this transition can come with stress as well. Maybe there is a fear of behaviors at home, maybe it worries with balancing work and children in the home, these concerns are all valid. Let’s look at some ways to assist with preparing for this transition back home for summer break.

One useful tool one can utilize during the summer is a schedule. While it is exciting to not have to be up at a certain time for school and go from class to class there is no question that children thrive with having a routine. Having a set schedule can eliminate any fears children have with boredom while looking for “what is next” due to having a set plan for what the day will entail. This can range from scheduling outside time to planning crafts and activities. Maintaining a routine can not only help adults, but it also assists children during this fun and exciting time.

Getting creative with activities is another way to assist with preparing for summer break. One of my favorite summer activities is to create a summer bucket list with your children. On this can be a list of fun activities they wish to accomplish this summer. Maybe it’s smaller like weekly bike rides or maybe it is larger such as taking a trip to Cedar Point. Whatever the activity is, this helps to gain excitement, bonding, and a plan with activities for the schedule.

Lastly, plan activities outside of the home. Being stuck in the house can be very challenging for children. This can result in large amounts of boredom as well as possible outburst from feeling trapped. Planning activities outside of the home can assist with managing your child’s time to better keep them busy and occupied. Doing things such as going to the library, the park, or even a summer camp can help them enjoy their break to their fullest capacity. Summer is such an exciting time for many. Let’s work to prepare to make the best out of the 2024 summer season!


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