Challenges with Change - Part 2

Now that we have looked at the challenges we have with creating change, let's look at steps in which we can take to make appropriate changes. In the previous post "Challenges with Change" we noted different trials and frustrations with change that come into place such as habit, accountability, and resistance. Knowing the barriers that take place with change can assist us greatly with what next steps will entail as we work to overcome and make positive changes in our day to day lives. Once we have self-awareness of what struggles we have with making these steps, we can better work to overcome them. 

One step we can take when creating change is making obtainable goals. Oftentimes, I see clientele coming in wanting to make large and drastic changes. While this want is good and the overall goal is to obtain these changes, these can also be large goals that result in it being hard to obtain. When this happens, one may feel defeated when trying to make changes which results in them wanting to give up. Instead of making a large goal, let's work to make smaller action steps to achieve those goals. Not only will this assist with motivation as each small action step is taken, but it will also result in achieving the larger goal by focusing on the baby steps to achieve the change at hand. 

Another area that can assist with creating change is reframing one's mindset. One thing that is not noted often enough is the failure that comes with change. Many times, we view change as a ladder of steps we take to get to the point of reaching and obtaining our goal. In reality, this is not what change looks like. More often than not change is a one step forward two step back mentality. Instead of beating ourselves up for steps back we take when working to create changes, let's work to celebrate the step forward we made to empower us to continue making these steps forward. Remember, failure is healthy. It can assist us with seeing areas of need and growth and how to better overcome them for the future. Let's look at our steps back as another way in which we can move forward. 

If you're struggling with creating changes, you're not alone. Let's work to break down our goals as well as normalize the change process to assist with gaining new and healthy habits in the future. 

Written by: Jordan Allen


Challenges with Change