Challenges with Change

The concept of change can be very challenging to grasp. On one hand we want to make steps towards creating positive changes. On the other hand we get comfortable in the current state that we are in which prevents our wanting to take those steps towards change. From an outsider looking in, it can be easy to look at others and point out changes that need to be made or that can benefit someone else. The hard part is taking the steps to create healthy changes and overcome obstacles that may be in the way of making these changes and adjustments. Let's look at some obstacles that may be getting in the way of creating positive changes in our lives. 

One large obstacle with creating changes is habit and patterns. As human beings we enjoy consistency, familiarity, and routine. Whether these are positive or negative, we enjoy these due to them being known compared to unknown. Even if we are implementing positive changes, the results and how we implement them are new to us which can provide a level of discomfort. Due to this, it can play a large barrier towards creating change.

Another obstacle with change is accountability. The challenging part with creating any form of change is how long it needs to be implemented to create a consistent point of change. As a result, we have to be held accountable to make these changes to have them be consistent compared to temporary. Research shows that unhealthy habits can take as little as 18 days to form while healthy habits take 66+ days to form. Annoying isn't it? If we know it takes months to create this healthy change this means there is a level of accountability that has to be put into place with creating these changes.

Lastly, norms and resistance play a large barrier with creating change, especially if it involves the family unit. Some may be on board for these changes while others may not be. If one is used to things going a certain way, it can be challenging to take steps and make new approaches with things. This can result in large amounts of resistance as one is working to create new and lasting changes. 

Creating change is hard and comes with many trials and frustration. Which barrier are you experiencing with creating change?

Written by: Jordan Allen


Challenges with Change - Part 2


Leaving for college